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This section includes interesting news items from the dog world featuring dogs that are fed on CSJ.

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Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' - full interviews with top handlers

Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' - full interviews with top handlers

See the full interviews with our elite team of top sheepdog handlers for Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' sheepdog trial in HD on YouTube.

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Calm Down!

Calm Down!

Kizzy stood out as dog training classes had refused to help, because her owner Donna is totally blind.

Other dogs barking at Kizzy had caused her to retaliate and bark back, which then escalated into a fear of small dogs and she would bark every time she passed one.

Donna worked hard with her by introducing her to dogs of various sizes and putting her on CSJ’s acclaimed Calm Down! herbal supplement.

When she finally found a dog club willing to allow them to attend Donna told CSJ, “I took her along and all my hard work and Calm Down! had done its stuff. She was absolutely fine and just barked twice the whole of the time we were there.”

The following week the group were doing a Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze test and Donna entered Kizzy just for practice…but she passed!

Donna told CSJ, “This is the best calming product I have ever tried. Don’t get me wrong, you have to put the work in. But if you work hard and use the product in conjunction, you can achieve a lot.”

Calm Down!

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Vickie Pullin

Vickie Pullin

'Arctic Quest' is my Kennel and 'Pullin Power' is my Race Team

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